
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Building the Fire - No More Fun and Games

Half-time at Toyota Park is set up much like a three-ring circus.  Youth teams play short scrimmages, fans participate in contests with Sparky, awards are handed out to outstanding fans, and all of this while (usually before) players come out for some quick warmups.  The overall effect is chaotic, and it gives the impression that the club has "sold" every inch of the field to anyone willing to pay.  The combined effort is not consistent with a professional sports brand.

This is where I come off as a crumudgeon.  How can he be against youth soccer teams?  Think of all the group ticket sales!  I counter with a challenge to make the youth team events a better experience.  10 minutes to run around in a mini-match?  In the middle of the rest of the marketing chaos?  The club can do better, create a better experience, and promise a better product to youth clubs.  Why not pre-game matches, long before the gates open, with private parties on the stage end/patio?  A better experience all around, with much more opportunities to add value (Sparky / player appearances, cash bar for the adults, live music, etc).  The groups have much less to worry about logistically, and the game becomes much more of an outing.

As for the rest of the events, bring back the on-field MC to control the chaos and rile up the fans for the second half.  Throw T-shirts, have fun with Sparky, bring on some special guests, but with polish and execution. 

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